
Three scientists selected for space research postdoctoral fellowships

Three young investigators have been named National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) Postdoctoral Fellows.

"To solve the human health problems related to space exploration, America needs scientists well versed in research and technology development skills," said Dr. Jeffrey P. Sutton, NSBRI director. "This fellowship provides a hands-on experience for the young scientists who will implement the Vision for Space Exploration."

The two-year program offers Fellows the opportunity to manage their own space-related biomedical research project while continuing to learn from an experienced faculty mentor. Participants receive $40,000 per year and become a member of one of NSBRI’s science and technology teams. Fellows also attend a summer institute at NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) learning about JSC’s research facilities and programs.

"As part of an NSBRI research team, the Fellows participate in the team’s teleconferences and meetings and attend NSBRI’s annual investigator retreats," Sutton said. "Through these activities, the Fellows gain professional relationships with leading scientists from across the U.S."

To be selected, applicants submit detailed research project proposals to investigate a solution to a space health risk or to develop a technology needed to enable research or medical care in space. The research must involve a mentor and be carried out at a U.S. laboratory doing space-related biomedical or biotechnological research.

Applications are reviewed for scientific and technical merit by the Fellowship Committee and by NSBRI management to ensure relevance to the Institute’s research program goals. NSBRI solicits fellowship applications annually.

The 2007-2009 NSBRI Postdoctoral Fellows, their institutions and mentors are:

  • Stephanie M. Carleton, Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia,
    Mentor: Charlotte L. Phillips, Ph.D.
  • Jocelyn E. Songer, Ph.D., Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary,
    Mentor: Daniel M. Merfeld, Ph.D., and Ruth Anne Eatock, Ph.D.
  • Jeffrey S. Willey, Ph.D., Clemson University,
    Mentor: Ted A. Bateman, Ph.D.

The Fellows’ research projects address areas of interest to exploration missions and are investigating methods to reduce bone loss, evaluate vestibular function, and document the effects of radiation on bone tissue and cells.

Funded by NASA, NSBRI studies the health risks related to long-duration spaceflight with peer-reviewed science, technology and education projects at more than 70 institutions across the United States.

The Institute’s funded projects address bone and muscle loss, cardiovascular changes, sleep disturbances, balance and orientation, radiation exposure, neurobehavioral and psychosocial factors, remote medical care and related technologies, nutrition, physical fitness, and rehabilitation. Research findings also impact the understanding and treatment of similar medical conditions experienced on Earth.