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Designing a Smart Medical System for Psychosocial Support

Principal Investigator:
James A. Carter, Ph.D.

Harvard - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Drs. James Carter and Jay C. Buckey are developing a prototype of an in-flight computer-based system to assist and train astronauts in preventing, assessing and managing psychological and social problems that can arise on long-duration space missions. This network of computer programs will be designed to provide pre-mission training and on-board self-help resources. The prototype will contain modules to help astronauts self-assess psychological problems, treat mild depression and manage conflicts. Long term, modules could be added to address other psychological and social issues that could arise, such as cross-cultural issues and anxiety problems. The system could be adapted for widespread use in schools, mental health centers, primary care practices, public health centers, social service agencies, HMOs and prisons.

NASA Taskbook Entry

Technical Summary

Although interpersonal conflict can be productive, unmanaged conflict can pose a threat to the success of long-duration missions. This project involves the development of a conflict management training program to teach long-duration crews how to manage intra-crew conflict, crew-ground conflict, and silent conflict, and to mediate between crewmembers who are in conflict. This training is part of a larger network of self-guided interactive multimedia programs to train and assist long-duration flyers in the prevention, assessment and management of multiple psychosocial problems that can arise on extended missions. The system is intended for use both during training and on orbit.

The project involves three phases:

Phase 1: Background Data Collection
Consultation interviews were conducted with 13 veteran long-duration flyers who lived on the International Space Station, Mir and Skylab. Interviewees were presented with five hypothetical scenarios, three of which depicted interpersonal conflicts, both within crews and between space and ground on extended missions. Input was obtained on the best practices for managing such situations as well as mistakes that a novice might make in handling them. Input was also obtained from clinical experts in interpersonal conflict management and depression treatment. Content of the training program was based on these data.

Phase 2: Interactive Multimedia Production
A Virtual Space Station three-dimensional graphic was created to serve as a portal to multimedia-based training, assessment and intervention resources. The system is modular and expandable to accommodate additional content in the future. Original content is being created to teach how to manage conflicts and presented via interactive video simulations, activities and didactics. All training and intervention content is guided by an on-camera coach.

Phase 3: Formative Evaluation
Evaluation of the system was performed by astronauts at NASA-Johnson Space Center. Formative evaluation of a prototype of the training will be conducted with ten members of the astronaut corps. They will use portions of the system and provide feedback regarding its usability, acceptability and perceived value. This data will guide further program development and revisions.

Earth Applications

Although this study involves developing countermeasures to assist long-duration flyers, it also provides a model that could be applied in many Earth-bound settings, both in operational environments and in everyday life. The system, with simple modifications and revisions, could be adapted for use in other isolated operational environments such as polar research stations, submarines, commercial ships, oil rigs and underwater research bases. Furthermore, even greater value could be derived by making similar psychosocial support systems available to the public in settings such as primary care practices, public and mental health centers, schools, social services offices, places of worship, military bases, prisons, and eventually at home or in any location, through broadband Internet.

This project's funding ended in 2005