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Virtual Reality-Based Pre-Flight Astronaut 3D Navigation Training (First Award Fellowship)
Hirofumi Aoki, Ph.D.
Tactile Sensory Supplementation of Gravitoinertial References to Optimize Sensorimotor Recovery
Franklin O. Black, M.D.
Understanding Full-Body Gaze Control During Locomotion
Jacob J. Bloomberg, Ph.D.
Development of a Gait Adaptability Training Program as a Countermeasure for Post-Flight Locomotor Dysfunction
Jacob J. Bloomberg, Ph.D.
Development of Countermeasures to Enhance Sensorimotor Adaptation
Jacob J. Bloomberg, Ph.D.
Predicting Sensorimotor Adaptation to Altered Gravity by Measuring Vestibular Perceptual Thresholds (First Award Fellowship)
Torin K. Clark, Ph.D.
Pharmacological Countermeasures for Space Motion Sickness
John L. Dornhoffer, M.D.
Adaptation of Rodent Vestibular Hair Cell Neurotransmission in Altered Gravity (Postdoctoral Fellowship)
Sophie Gaboyard, Ph.D.
Somatosensory Suppression and Prevention of Post-Flight Reentry Disturbances of Posture and Locomotion
James R. Lackner, Ph.D.
Enhancement of Spatial Orientation Capability of Astronauts on the Lunar Surface
Rongxing (Ron) Li, Ph.D.
Psychophysics and Modeling of Spatial Orientation Perception (Postdoctoral Fellowship)
Paul MacNeilage, Ph.D.
Signaling at the Vestibular Calyx Synapse (First Award Fellowship)
Frances L. Meredith, Ph.D.
Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation as an Analog of Post-Flight Sensorimotor Dysfunction
Steven T. Moore, Ph.D.
Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Augmented Training for Exploration-Class Missions
Steven T. Moore, Ph.D.
Development of Countermeasures to Aid Functional Egress from the Crew Exploration Vehicle Following Long-Duration Spaceflight
Ajitkumar P. Mulavara, Ph.D.
Validation of Assessment Tests and Countermeasures for Detecting and Mitigating Changes in Cognitive Function During Robotics Operations
Charles M. Oman, Ph.D.
Visual Orientation in Unfamiliar Gravito-Inertial Environments
Charles M. Oman, Ph.D.
Visual Orientation and Spatial Memory: Mechanisms and Countermeasures
Charles M. Oman, Ph.D.
Visual Orientation, Navigation and Spatial Memory Countermeasures
Charles M. Oman, Ph.D.
Advanced Displays for Efficient Training and Operation of Robotic Systems
Charles M. Oman, Ph.D.
Pharmacotherapeutics of Intranasal Scopolamine
Lakshmi Putcha, Ph.D.
Modification of Eccentric Gaze-Holding
Millard F. Reschke, Ph.D.
Bed Rest as a Spaceflight Analog to Study Neurocognitive Changes: Extent, Longevity, and Neural Bases
Rachael D. Seidler, Ph.D.
Context-Specific Adaptation of Gravity-Dependent Vestibular Reflex Responses
Mark J. Shelhamer, Sc.D.
Context-Specificity and Other Approaches to Neurovestibular Adaptation
Mark J. Shelhamer, Sc.D.
Modeling and Mitigating Spatial Disorientation in Low-Gravity Environments
Ronald L. Small
Investigating High-Frequency Vestibular Function: A Potential Flight Diagnostic (First Award Fellowship)
Jocelyn E. Songer, Ph.D.
Robust Human-System Interface Design for Spaceflight-Induced Environments
Lee Stone, Ph.D.
Advanced Techniques to Assess and Counter Gait Ataxia
Conrad Wall, III, Ph.D.
Advanced Techniques for Assessment of Postural and Locomotor Ataxia, Spatial Orientation, and Gaze Stability
Conrad Wall, III, Ph.D.
Sensorimotor Adaptation Following Exposure to Ambiguous Inertial Motion Cues
Scott J. Wood, Ph.D.
Neurovestibular Aspects of Artificial Gravity Created by Short-Radius Centrifugation
Laurence R. Young, Sc.D.
Neurovestibular Aspects of Short-Radius Artificial Gravity: Toward a Comprehensive Countermeasure
Laurence R. Young, Sc.D.
Sensorimotor Displays and Controls to Enhance the Safety of Human/Machine Cooperation During Lunar Landing
Laurence R. Young, Sc.D.