Monitoring the health of astronauts during long-duration spaceflights will be an important part of mission operations for the crew and ground personnel. In addition to monitoring, it will be necessary to have sound countermeasures to protect astronaut health. Dr. Scott Dulchavsky is leading a project to validate just-in-time training methodologies for cardiovascular ultrasound imaging and to quantify the effects of the Bracelet device on the cardiovascular system. The Bracelet is a Russian device that consists of compression cuffs, similar to a blood pressure cuff, placed on the thighs. It is designed to help maintain normal blood flow by reducing the fluid shifts from lower to upper body that occur in microgravity.
The project will include ground-based and simulated microgravity investigations of the cardiovascular effects of the Bracelet device with ultrasound and flight experiments aboard the International Space Station. The just-in-time training portion of the project will include ground-based validation of the training methods by using non-expert ultrasound operators. The projects investigations will provide increased understanding of cardiovascular physiology and advances in space medical capabilities for long-duration spaceflight.