The Virtual Space Station (VSS) is a suite of behavioral health countermeasures developed over several years with NSBRI support. The VSS includes conflict management training, depression treatment, and stress management modules. To modify and customize these behavioral health countermeasures for astronaut use, the VSS programs will be evaluated in a analog environments such as Antarctica and HI-SEAS that include the elements of isolation and confinement found in long-duration spaceflight.
Additionally, an integrated behavioral health assessment will be added to the existing content to determine the need for behavioral health countermeasures and guide the astronaut user accordingly. Also, the VSS conflict resolution content will be expanded. To promote psychological well-being, the software will be modified to incorporate virtual reality (VR), including a VR-based relaxation and attention restoration system, which can provide a fully confidential, positive, immersive experience for astronauts.
The final product will offer an integrated user interface that can guide a user with minor problems to enjoyable countermeasures, such as VR relaxation, but will also have validated content to treat more severe problems such as depression.